In Jesus, God joins the human story with steadfast love, unconditional forgiveness, and wide welcome. We get to be part of that story and participate in how it continues to be lived out.
We are a faith family gathered together by God's grace. Like most families we are made up of a variety of personalities, preferences, and life circumstances. Together, we learn and make mistakes as we grow in faith.
Every week Christ invites us to the table where all are welcome. Everybody eats at Christ's table. God's grace is offered to all; there are no exceptions. After worship, we share conversation and some light refreshments in our Fellowship Hall.
Jesus welcomed all. We will do our best to do the same.
We gather for worship in our sanctuary where we sing and celebrate Holy Communion.
At this time we encourage people to wear masks at their own discretion. We strive to be a gracious community so that all can feel empowered to make the best decision for their circumstances.
Coffee and treats are served after worship in the fellowship hall.
During the summer, when the weather is agreeable, we gather for worship and fellowship in the courtyard.
Please come and feel welcome.
If you don't feel well and are experiencing symptoms for COVID, common colds, or the flu, please stay home from worship.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.